We need the following information from you:

Phone number
email address

We register and pass on the data necessary to process and send your order.

Personal data is registered with LittleUnBox ApS and stored for five years, after which it is deleted.

We also work with a number of other companies that store and process this data. These companies process the data exclusively on our behalf and may not use it for their own use.

We only cooperate with companies within the EU or in countries that provide adequate protection of the information.

At, Ditte Elleriis is the data controller.

You have the right to be informed about which data we store about you. If you believe the data is incorrect, you are entitled to have it corrected. In some situations, we are required to delete the information, should you wish to do so. This could be data that is no longer relevant for us to store.

You can also contact us if you believe that data is being stored in violation of the law. Then write to